
The Performance Ensemble Solution is designed for music educators who work with ensembles, such as bands, orchestras, choirs, and others. It includes a variety of tools and resources that can be used to help students practice and improve their skills, including assessment tools for practice and sight reading, as well as a comprehensive curricular library for use in the classroom. This solution is intended to be useful for music educators working with students of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced musicians. It is marketed as a comprehensive resource for strengthening individual musicianship skills within ensembles.

Included Software

MusicFirst Classroom displayed on two browser windows over red background
MusicFirst Classroom logo white

MusicFirst Classroom

A central hub for software integrations, student portfolios, gradebook, communication tools, and curricular resources.
Auralia software displayed on three devices on green background: desktop computer, mobile phone, tablet
Auralia logo in white


A comprehensive ear training software that covers a wide range of topics in music theory and practice, including pitch, rhythm, intervals, chords, and scales to more advanced concepts like cadences, dictation, harmony, jazz progressions, and melodic transcription.
Flat for Education
Flat for education logo, white

Flat for Education

An easy-to-use, web-based music notation platform that helps engage your students in and out of the classroom.
Musition software displayed on vertical and horizontal iPads over blue background
Musition Logo white


A fun way to learn music theory, suitable for students of all ages and levels.
PracticeFirst feedback in browser
PracticeFirst logo white


PracticeFirst is a cloud-based practice software that provides students with instantaneous and intuitive feedback, allowing them to gain meaningful insights into the quality of their practice.
Sight Reading Factory software displayed on browser, iPad, and iPhone on red background
Sight Reading Factory logo white

Sight Reading Factory

Sight Reading Factory makes practicing the important skill of sight reading easy, effective, and fun! This cloud-based service allows you to customize and generate unlimited sight reading examples instantly, on-demand for music educators and students.


The MusicFirst Library is a collection of courses, units, lessons, and assessments within the MusicFirst Classroom that has been carefully selected and curated by a team of expert music educators, and offers a wide range of materials that are ready for use in the classroom and can be customized to meet the needs of individual educators and their curricula. 

Available Courses

Habits of a Successful Beginning Band Musician - Scott Rush, Jeff Scott, Marguerite Wilder
Music FUNdations for Band - Scott Lang, Robert Sheldon
Habits of a Successful Musician - Scott Rush, Rich Moon
Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician - Scott Rush, Jeff Scott, Emily Wilkinson, Rich Moon, Kevin Boyle
Beginning Band Course - Dr. Jim Frankel (MusicFirst)
Intermediate Band Course - Dr. Jim Frankel (MusicFirst)
Advanced Band Course - Dr. Jim Frankel (MusicFirst)
Habits of a Successful Choral Musician - Eric Wilkinson, Scott Rush
S-Cubed: Successful Sight Singing - Dale Duncan
Middle School Chorus Course - MusicFirst
High School Chorus Course - MusicFirst
Music FUNdations for Strings - Scott Lang, Robert Sheldon
Habits of a Successful String Musician - Christopher Selby, Scott Rush, Rich Moon
Beginning Orchestra - MusicFirst
Intermediate Orchestra - MusicFirst
Advanced Orchestra - MusicFirst
Complete Method for Modern Guitarists - Michael Durig
Introduction to Mariachi/Introducción al Mariachi (Available in Spanish and English) - John Nieto 

Included Resources

InTune Monthly Magazine
Music Tech Helper Blog
YouDJ for Education



MusicFirst for Performance Ensembles
Price on request
  1. Plus $99 setup fee on new MusicFirst Classroom sites.

Case Study

See this solution in action

Rotolo Middle School

Batavia, IL
Keith Ozsvath, Band Director at Rotolo Middle School in Illinois, successfully used the Sight Reading Factory software to improve sight reading skills in his middle school band ensembles. He found that by incorporating SRF into rehearsal he was able to improve his students' sight reading and enhance their overall musicianship.

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